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Wish You Were Here - Avril Lavigne

i can be tough ,i can be strong  我可以是强硬的,可以是坚强 的  but with you, it's not like that at all  但当我和你在一起时,我完全不是那样 的  there's a girl that gives a shit  有个女孩装作玩世不 恭  behind this wall you just walk though it  但你走进了她的心 墙   and i remember  我记得  all those crazy things you said  你说过所有疯狂的 话  you left them running through my head  这些话在我的脑海中萦 绕  you're alway there, you're everywhere  你一直在那,你无所不 在  right now i wish you were here  但现在我希望你就在我身 边  all those crazy things we did  我们做过所有疯狂的 事  didn't think about it,just went with it  不愿回想,只想和你相 伴  you're alway there, you're everywhere  你一直在那,你无所不 在 right now i wish you were here  但现在我希望你就在我身边   damn!damn!damn!  该死的!该死 的!该死的!  what i'd  do to have you here,here,here  我该怎么做才能让你在这,在这,在 这  (i wish you were here)  我希望你在 这  what i'd  do to have you near,near,near  我该怎么做才能让你在我身边,身边,身 边  (i wish you were here)  我希望你在这   i love, the way you are  我喜欢你的样 子  it's who i am ,don't have to try hard  这就是我,不想去伪 装  we always say,say it like it is  我们常说,一切就是这 样  and the truth, is that i really miss  事实上,我真的很想 你   no,i never wanna let go  不,我不愿放开你  i just wanna let you know  我就是想让你 知道  that i never wanna let go  我决不放开你  let go  放开你